Play podcast
Ep. 47

How to evaluate the performance of your remote team

How can you measure the productivity of your remote employees?

How can you get an insight into your remote teams' productivity and impact it positively? 
Rob Rawson founded Time Doctor to help remote companies solve this problem, and is sharing his learnings from over a decade of leading remote teams
In detail we discussed:
  • Economic advantages of remote work
  • Pros and Cons of working async
  • Overcoming hard cultural differences remotely
  • Measuring the performance of your remote employees
Find the transcript here
Stay tuned for the next episode in which we will discuss Facilitation in Remote Teams with Daphnee LaForest from Modern Leaders. 

About your hosts

Sondre Rasch

Co-founder & CEO
Sondre co-founded SafetyWing together with Sarah Sandnes and Hans Kjellby. Born in Bergen, Norway, he studied economics and computer science, before starting work as a policy advisor for the government of Norway advising on social policies. After getting frustrated with the slow pace of government change, Sondre first founded SuperSide (YC W16), a platform for freelance designers. It was here he discovered the lack of a safety net for online remote workers. SafetyWing was then born with the aim of building a global social safety net.

Rob Rawson

Time Doctor
Rob Rawson became one of the early adopters of remote work while creating Time Doctor. To share the lessons he learned from this experience he co-created the Running Remote conference and recently distilled those insights into written form, by co-authoring the Running Remote Book.
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