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Ep. 9

Managing crisis as a remote company

Every startup will face its own crisis. Operating remotely can be an additional challenge, but it also provides an advantage.

How you handle a crisis might well define the future of your company. In this episode, we are joined by Liam Martin, the founder of Time Doctor and co-founder of Running Remote to discuss the importance of crisis management as a remote company.
Topics we covered:
  • The importance of effective and clear communication in a crisis (internal and external).
  • Differences between managing a crisis in a remote and in a co-located team.
  • Cultivating the right mindset as a leader.
Liam shares his experience with resolving challenging situations and gives actionable advice on how you can provide clarity and effective leadership when things start getting seriously out of control.  Find the full transcript here!
Stay tuned for the next episode, in which we will talk with Austen Allred from Lambda School — a coding academy that only charges tuition once you get hired. With him, we will discuss the changing education industry (and his decision to organize Lambda School remotely) as well as finding and hiring the best talent worldwide.
What should we talk about next? We are open to any feedback and suggestions about our previous and future episodes, so send us an email at!

About your hosts

Sondre Rasch

Co-founder & CEO
Sondre co-founded SafetyWing together with Sarah Sandnes and Hans Kjellby. Born in Bergen, Norway, he studied economics and computer science, before starting work as a policy advisor for the government of Norway advising on social policies. After getting frustrated with the slow pace of government change, Sondre first founded SuperSide (YC W16), a platform for freelance designers. It was here he discovered the lack of a safety net for online remote workers. SafetyWing was then born with the aim of building a global social safety net.

Liam Martin

Co-founder & CMO
Time Doctor & Running Remote
Liam is the Co-founder and CMO of Time Doctor and Staff. He is also a Co-founder at Running Remote, the largest conference on building and scaling remote teams. "Remote Work is the future. The office is dead and I'm here to help you move your company remote or scale your remote organization towards success."
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