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Ep. 28

Remote leadership

How can you connect with your team as a remote leader?

Leading a remote vs. co-located team is an entirely different responsibility. We spoke to Sarah Hawley, the founder and CEO of Growmotely about asynchronous leadership, creating alignment in a remote team and leading with integrity. For more advice, check out Sarah's recently published book Conscious Leadership: A Journey from Ego to Heart
Topics we explored: 
  • How to figure out a vision that is worth pursuing
  • Setting your rhythm and consistency as a remote leader
  • Leadership transparency in the team
Find the full transcript here. Stay tuned for the next episode with Adam Nathan from Almanac on making your team more asynchronous.  
What should we talk about next? 
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About your hosts

Sondre Rasch

Co-founder & CEO
Sondre co-founded SafetyWing together with Sarah Sandnes and Hans Kjellby. Born in Bergen, Norway, he studied economics and computer science, before starting work as a policy advisor for the government of Norway advising on social policies. After getting frustrated with the slow pace of government change, Sondre first founded SuperSide (YC W16), a platform for freelance designers. It was here he discovered the lack of a safety net for online remote workers. SafetyWing was then born with the aim of building a global social safety net.

Sarah Hawley

Sarah Hawley
Sarah is the founder & CEO of Growmotely, a platform that focuses on finding long-term roles for great remote workers worldwide, with incredible company values & mission: "We exist to support the evolution of conscious work and culture. To create equality, growth, fulfillment, freedom and empowerment for all.”
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