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Ep. 1

The present and future of remote work

Andreas Klinger, Head of Remote at AngelList sits down with Sondre Rasch to discuss the current state of remote work. Learn how you and your company can benefit from the rapid changes happening in the remote world.

Welcome to the first episode of Building Remotely! In this podcast, we are interviewing founders and thought leaders in the world of remote work to offer you the best insights and ideas on how to tackle the challenges of building and managing a company, remotely. 
Each episode covers topics ranging from remote hiring and fundraising to communicating remotely and building an engaging company culture. In this episode, we are joined by the Head of Remote at AngelList, Andreas Klinger, to discuss the current state of remote work.

In the episode we will cover

  • The potential long-term effects of the Coronavirus pandemic on remote work as a movement.
  • How remote companies can benefit from current challenges. 
  • Advice on how to transition to working remotely in the most effective way.
  • The future of remote work and its second-degree effects and potential opportunities.
Whether you’re starting a remote company or transitioning to remote work, this episode will point out the benefits of working remotely and advice on how to handle the situation in the best possible way and what to expect in the coming weeks, months and even years.  Andreas sheds a positive light on transitioning to remote work, and his perspective will give you a compelling reason to dive into the new opportunities arising through the current crisis. 
Read the entire transcript of the episode here!
Stay tuned for our next episode with Darren Murph, Head of Remote at GitLab, where he will share practical advice on how you and your team can transition towards working remotely in the current crisis and beyond. Darren offers insights into GitLab's onboarding process, building their company culture and effective communication within the team.  What should we talk about next? We are open to any feedback and suggestions about our previous or future episodes, so send us an email at

About your hosts

Sondre Rasch

Co-founder & CEO
Sondre co-founded SafetyWing together with Sarah Sandnes and Hans Kjellby. Born in Bergen, Norway, he studied economics and computer science, before starting work as a policy advisor for the government of Norway advising on social policies. After getting frustrated with the slow pace of government change, Sondre first founded SuperSide (YC W16), a platform for freelance designers. It was here he discovered the lack of a safety net for online remote workers. SafetyWing was then born with the aim of building a global social safety net.

Andreas Klinger

Remote First Capital
Andreas is one of the most prominent advocates of remote work, has been a keynote speaker at Running Remote and recently opened up his own investment fund, Remote Work Capital. He was also the Head of Remote at AngelList, the world’s biggest remote job board and is publishing the annual state of remote work report together with Buffer.
If you want to find out more about him, follow his award-winning Twitter account or his personal Blog about startups, coding, remote work and life hacks to become more productive. 
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