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Ep. 35

The science of storytelling

How can we tell more engaging stories?

Storytelling is central to human existence. In a time where attention becomes increasingly scarce, engaging storytelling is a necessary skill to have.
In this episode, we discussed the nuances of storytelling and its role in modern society with the Emmy-nominated television host and storyteller Jason Silva.
Topics we discussed:
  • The science of storytelling, self-narrative and the hero’s journey
  • How a borderless future could trigger an ontological awakening in humanity
  • The importance of unified stories as a moral compass
  • The crisis of storytelling in modern society.
Find the full transcript here.
Stay tuned for the next episode with Sam Laliberte from the Freedom Lifestyle Podcast on how to organize great virtual and in-person team gatherings.

About your hosts

Sondre Rasch

Co-founder & CEO
Sondre co-founded SafetyWing together with Sarah Sandnes and Hans Kjellby. Born in Bergen, Norway, he studied economics and computer science, before starting work as a policy advisor for the government of Norway advising on social policies. After getting frustrated with the slow pace of government change, Sondre first founded SuperSide (YC W16), a platform for freelance designers. It was here he discovered the lack of a safety net for online remote workers. SafetyWing was then born with the aim of building a global social safety net.

Jason Silva

Shots of Awe
Jason is a speaker, philosopher and host of the "Shots of Awe" YouTube channel, in which he explores the intersection between creativity, technology and what it means to be human.
Before "Shots of Awe", he hosted the Emmi-nominated TV show "Brain Games", which became the National Geographics #1 rated series.
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