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Achieve the best quality of life

Wake up inspired, excited, and energized to live the life you built. Have more meaningful relationships. Enjoy a healthier mind and body.

15 min read

Flexibility is your best friend

Is there anyone who would argue that flexible working hours are bad? More specifically, have you ever met a founder or a CEO who wished their company was less flexible? Probably not, but if you ever do, be sure to note how that company is doing a few years down the line. Startups know this well, and it’s one of their biggest advantages. There is no downside to being flexible.  For a company to be flexible, the individuals who make up the team must also be flexible. To force different people (with different personalities and different lives), into the exact same space at the exact same time day after day is the opposite of flexibility.
If you achieve flexibility on the individual level, you'll experience it company-wide. 

Exercise:  Write down the 3 biggest things that are causing you stress and anxiety in your life. Now write down the 3 most important goals you’d like to accomplish in your life within the next year. 
Look at your answers for each, and think critically about how having more flexibility in your life could help each one.
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Flexibility is your best friend

Is there anyone who would argue that flexible working hours are bad? More specifically, have you ever met a founder or a CEO who wished their company was less flexible? Probably not, but if you ever do, be sure to note how that company is doing a few years down the line. Startups know this well, and it’s one of their biggest advantages. There is no downside to being flexible.  For a company to be flexible, the individuals who make up the team must also be flexible. To force different people (with different personalities and different lives), into the exact same space at the exact same time day after day is the opposite of flexibility.
If you achieve flexibility on the individual level, you'll experience it company-wide. 

Exercise:  Write down the 3 biggest things that are causing you stress and anxiety in your life. Now write down the 3 most important goals you’d like to accomplish in your life within the next year. 
Look at your answers for each, and think critically about how having more flexibility in your life could help each one.
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